CS61A 的项目四之 Scheme 解释器实现 (2021-Fall)

最近正在跟着《Crafting interpreter》这本书写解释器,原本书里面用 Java 实现了一个 Tree-walker 解释器 jlox,我正在用 Python 重写一遍,称为 pylox。看了这本书感觉对解释器的理解越来越深刻了,很推荐👍。此时的我突然想起来之前看完的 CS61A 的 Scheme 解释器还有几个小问题没有解决,导致它一直是未完成的状态,于是今天我打开了这个项目,打算从头到尾捋一遍,讲讲思路。

注:Scheme 解释器这个项目比较大,所以我只复制了题目描述中的重要部分,完整的描述还是要回去看项目主页。同时代码只显示核心的部分

Implement the define and lookup methods of the Frame class…bindings is a dictionary representing the bindings in the frame…parent is the parent Frame instance…The environment for a Frame instance consists of that frame, its parent frame, and all its ancestor frames, including the Global Frame.

define 函数很简单,就是一个字符串(symbol)到 Scheme 值(value)的映射,参数都给你写好了

lookup 函数的具体执行过程在本来的题目描述中已经列出来了,照着做就行,迭代和递归的解法都可以,我感觉迭代的解法会比较简单


def define(self, symbol, value):
    """Define Scheme SYMBOL to have VALUE."""
    self.bindings[symbol] = value

def lookup(self, symbol):
    """Return the value bound to SYMBOL. Errors if SYMBOL is not found."""
    # Case 1. we check if the symbol is in the current frame
    if symbol in self.bindings.keys():
        return self.bindings[symbol]
        # Case 2. we check the parent of the current frame repreatly
        pos = self.parent
        while pos is not None:
            if symbol in pos.bindings.keys():
                return pos.bindings[symbol]
            pos = pos.parent
    # Case 3. we can't find the symbol
    raise SchemeError("unknown identifier: {0}".format(symbol))

To be able to call built-in procedures, such as +, you need to complete the BuiltinProcedure case within the scheme_apply function in scheme_eval_apply.py. Built-in procedures are applied by calling a corresponding Python function that implements the procedure.

跟着题目的要求做即可,没有什么难度。值得一提的是要和 nil 判断而不是和 None 判断,不然你可能在第三题一直得到 “incorrect number of arguments…",我发现我之前没有做出来就是这里没写好


def scheme_apply(procedure, args, env):
    if isinstance(procedure, BuiltinProcedure):
        # Convert the Scheme list to a Python list of arguments
        args_list = []
        pos = args
        while pos is not nil:
            if pos.first is not nil:
            pos = pos.rest
        # Add the current environment if procedure.expect_env == True
        if procedure.expect_env:
        # Call procedure.py_func on all arguments
            return procedure.py_func(*args_list)
        except TypeError as e:
            raise SchemeError(f"incorrect number of arguments, {e}")

Implement the missing part of scheme_eval, which evaluates a call expression…You’ll have to recursively call scheme_eval in the first two steps…The map method of Pair returns a new Scheme list constructed by applying a one-argument function to every item in a Scheme list…Important: do not mutate the passed-in expr. That would change a program as it’s being evaluated, creating strange and incorrect effects.

这一道题也很直白,可能的一个难点是,rest.map 的参数是一个 “one-argument function”,也就是只接受一个参数,但是题目提供的 scheme_eval 有 2 个参数。所以需要对函数进行转化,当然这里可以写一个 lambda 表达式包装一下 scheme_eval我选择用 functools 包提供的 partial 函数,它的用途就是绑定函数的部分参数并返回一个新的函数。第一次见到 partial 这种用法还是在函数式编程语言里面,不少函数式编程语言都是原生就支持这个功能。


def scheme_eval(expr, env, _=None):  # Optional third argument is ignored
        # Evaluate the operator(first argument)
        operator = scheme_eval(first, env)
        # Evaluate all of the operands(other arguments)
        from functools import partial
        operands = rest.map(partial(scheme_eval, env=env))

        return scheme_apply(operator, operands, env)

The type of the first operand tells us what is being defined…implement just the first part, which evaluates the second operand to obtain a value and binds the first operand, a symbol, to that value. Then, do_define_form returns the symbol that was bound.

这里只要求实现 define 的第一个功能——绑定变量,具体绑定的方式其实我们已经在 Problem 1 里面实现好了,就是 Frame 类的 define 方法,因此绑定变量只要调用 env.define 即可。

根据 define 绑定变量的写法: (define a some_val),可以通过 .rest.first 拿到对应的 some_valscheme_eval 进行估值


def do_define_form(expressions, env):
    if scheme_symbolp(signature):
        # assigning a name to a value e.g. (define x (+ 1 2))
            expressions, 2, 2
        )  # Checks that expressions is a list of length exactly 2
        env.define(signature, scheme_eval(expressions.rest.first, env))
        return signature

Implement the do_quote_form function in scheme_forms.py so that it simply returns the unevaluated operand of the (quote ...) expression.

validate_form(expressions, 1, 1) 确保输入长度为 1,即检查是否为 '... 形式,我们只需要直接返回即可


def do_quote_form(expressions, env):
    validate_form(expressions, 1, 1)
    return expressions.first

Change the eval_all function in scheme_eval_apply.py (which is called from do_begin_form in scheme_forms.py) to complete the implementation of the begin special form (spec). A begin expression is evaluated by evaluating all sub-expressions in order. The value of the begin expression is the value of the final sub-expression.


  1. 先检查 expressions 是否为 nil,是的话返回 None 表示没有定义
  2. 继续检查 expressions.rest 是否为 nil,是的话返回 expressions.first 的评估结果,否则继续递归调用


def eval_all(expressions, env):
    if expressions is nil:
        return None
    res = scheme_eval(expressions.first, env)
    if expressions.rest is nil:
        return res
        return eval_all(expressions.rest, env)

Implement the do_lambda_form function (spec), which creates and returns a LambdaProcedure instance

在 Problem 6 里面已经说了 LambdaProcedure 的结构,调用一下它的构造函数就行


def do_lambda_form(expressions, env):
    validate_form(expressions, 2)
    formals = expressions.first
    return LambdaProcedure(formals, expressions.rest, env)

This method takes in two arguments: formals, which is a Scheme list of symbols, and vals, which is a Scheme list of values. It should return a new child frame, binding the formal parameters to the values.



def make_child_frame(self, formals, vals):
    if len(formals) != len(vals):
        raise SchemeError("Incorrect number of arguments to function call")
    sub_frame = Frame(self)
    # iterate
    pos1, pos2 = formals, vals
    while pos1 is not nil:
        key, value = pos1.first, pos2.first
        sub_frame.define(key, value)
        pos1, pos2 = pos1.rest, pos2.rest
    return sub_frame

You should first create a new Frame instance using the make_child_frame method of the appropriate parent frame, binding formal parameters to argument values. Then, evaluate each of the expressions of the body of the procedure using eval_all within this new frame.

这里刚好用了 Problem 8 写的 make_child_frame 函数


def scheme_apply(procedure, args, env):
    elif isinstance(procedure, LambdaProcedure):
        child_frame = procedure.env.make_child_frame(procedure.formals, args)
        return eval_all(procedure.body, child_frame)

Modify the do_define_form function in scheme_forms.py so that it correctly handles define (...) ...) expressions

和之前的相比,差别主要在 env.define 的第 2 个参数,用前面写好的 do_lambda_form 或者直接调用 LambdaProcedure 也可以


def do_define_form(expressions, env):
    elif isinstance(signature, Pair) and scheme_symbolp(signature.first):
        # defining a named procedure e.g. (define (f x y) (+ x y))

        # the signature is (f x y)
        formals = signature.rest  # (x y)

        # now we need to parse (+ x y)
        env.define(signature.first, LambdaProcedure(formals, expressions.rest, env))
        return signature.first  # f

Implement do_mu_form in scheme_forms.py to evaluate the mu special form. A mu expression evaluates to a MuProcedure. Most of the MuProcedure class (defined in scheme_classes.py) has been provided for you.

MuProcedure 的特别之处在于 dynamic scoping,参数的值取决于调用的时候环境里面有什么。scheme_apply 函数的参数 env 就表示了当前环境,我们只需要构造一个 child frame 并在里面评估 MuProcedure 即可


def scheme_apply(procedure, args, env):
    elif isinstance(procedure, MuProcedure):
        child_frame = env.make_child_frame(procedure.formals, args)
        return eval_all(procedure.body, child_frame)
def do_mu_form(expressions, env):
    validate_form(expressions, 2)
    formals = expressions.first
    return MuProcedure(formals, expressions.rest)

Implement do_and_form and do_or_form so that and and or expressions are evaluated correctly. The logical forms and and or are short-circuiting

do_and_formdo_or_form 都可以用递归写:

  • do_and_form:base case 为 nil 此时返回为 True,从头到尾检查,一旦发现不为 True 的就立刻返回
  • do_or_form:base case 为 nil 此时返回 False,从头到尾检查,一旦发现为 True 的就立刻返回


def do_and_form(expressions, env):
    # base case: (and)
    if expressions is nil:
        return True
    front = scheme_eval(expressions.first, env)
    if is_scheme_true(front):
        if expressions.rest is nil:
            return front
            return do_and_form(expressions.rest, env)
        return front

def do_or_form(expressions, env):
    # base case: (or)
    if expressions is nil:
        return False
    front = scheme_eval(expressions.first, env)
    if is_scheme_false(front):
        if expressions.rest is nil:
            return front
            return do_or_form(expressions.rest, env)
        return front

Fill in the missing parts of do_cond_form so that it correctly implements cond, returning the value of the first result sub-expression corresponding to a true predicate, or the result sub-expression corresponding to else.



def do_cond_form(expressions, env):
        if is_scheme_true(test):
            # no sub-expression
            if clause.rest is nil:
                return test
            return eval_all(clause.rest, env)

Implement make_let_frame in scheme_forms.py, which returns a child frame of env that binds the symbol in each element of bindings to the value of its corresponding expression. The bindings Scheme list contains pairs that each contain a symbol and a corresponding expression.

遍历每一个 binding,收集参数名和值到 namesvalues 就行


def make_let_frame(bindings, env):
    if not scheme_listp(bindings):
        raise SchemeError("bad bindings list in let form")
    names = values = nil

    # bingding: (<name> <expression>)
    # bingdings: ( (<name1> <expression1>) (<name2> <expression2>) ...)
    pos = bindings
    while pos is not nil:
        front = pos.first  # i.e. the first binding
        validate_form(front, 2, 2)  # verify the structure is (<name> <expression>)
        names = Pair(front.first, names)
        values = Pair(eval_all(front.rest, env), values)
        pos = pos.rest

    return = env.make_child_frame(names, values)

Implement the enumerate procedure, which takes in a list of values and returns a list of two-element lists, where the first element is the index of the value, and the second element is the value itself.

通过递归就可以实现,在下面我实现了一个 helper 递归函数,参数是输入 input 和索引 index

  • base case:输入 input 为空,则返回 '()
  • 其他情况:递归调用,注意参数变化:input -> (cdr input)index -> (+ index 1)


(define (enumerate s)
      ;; a helper funtion
      (define (helper input index) 
        (cond ((null? input) '())             ;; base case: return () if it is nil
              (else (cons (cons index (cons (car input) nil))
                          (helper (cdr input) (+ index 1))))))   ;; recursive call
      (helper s 0))

Implement the merge procedure, which takes in a comparator function inorder? and two lists that are sorted, and combines the two lists into a single sorted list. A comparator defines an ordering by comparing two values and returning a true value if and only if the two values are ordered. Here, sorted means sorted according to the comparator

经典算法:合并 2 个有序列表,每次取出 2 个列表的头个元素,对应下面的 (car list1) (car list2),然后进行比较,根据不同情况进行递归调用


(define (merge inorder? list1 list2)
  (cond ((null? list1) list2)           ;; base case: list1 is empty
        ((null? list2) list1)           ;; base case: list2 is empty
        ((inorder? (car list1) (car list2))           
            (cons (car list1) (merge inorder? (cdr list1) list2)))      ;; consume list1
            (cons (car list2) (merge inorder? list1 (cdr list2)))))     ;; consume list2