What is Three-Address Code (3AC/TAC)

The Three-Address Code (3AC, TAC) is an intermediate representation (IR) usually used in compilers and program analysis. As the name suggests, each instruction of 3AC involves three “addresses” at most, where “address” represents a variable or constant. The common forms include the following1:

The Flow of GraphRAG

The current RAG techniques can not answer the global questions about the corpus. For example, we may want to know what is the topic of the corpus. Usually, the answer does not exist in the corpus but needs to understand the whole corpus and give summarization. Such global questions are called query-focused summarization (QFS) problems in this paper1. A naive RAG technique can not handle such a situation.

Reading Notes: Outrageously Large Neural Networks-The Sparsely-Gated Mixture-of-Experts Layer

The model’s performance is related to the model’s parameter. The bigger the model is, the more performant it will be. However, the computational cost also increases. To mitigate this problem, various forms of conditional computation have been proposed to increase model performance without a proportional increase in computational costs1.

Today I would like to share the Sparsely-Gated Mixture-of-Experts Layer (MoE) as proposed in this paper.1

There are $n$ experts in the MoE layer (denoted as $E_1, E_2, …, E_n$) and they are controlled by a gating network $G$. The output of the gating network $G$ is a vector with length $n$.

What is the Python decorator really?

If you could understand this statement: Python function is a first-class function, then I believe you should have no problem understanding the Python decorator too. This statement means that the function is also a value, just like any other primitive types (int, str, float, etc), and can be passed as arguments to function or returned as function outputs.

You may heard of the technical term - high-order function, which means that its arguments contain a function or (and) it returns a function. So we know that the Python decorator is a kind of high-order function.

Reading Notes: Generalization through Memorization: Nearest Neighbor Language Models

A language solves 2 subproblems.

  1. Mapping sentence prefixes to fixed-size representation.
  2. Using these representations to predict the next token in the context.

The $k\texttt{NN-LM}$ proposed in this hypothesis that representation learning problem may be easier than the prediction problem

The following graph demonstrates the idea behind the $k\texttt{NN-LM}$ model.

To use the $k\texttt{NN-LM}$, we need to preprocess the documents in the corpus. The preprocessing procedure can be divided into some steps. Take the following sentence as an example.

Reading Notes: In-Context Retrieval-Augmented Language Models

In-Context RALM1 is the RAG technology for Autoregressive LM. In summary, the RAG technology involves using a retriever during model inference to fetch relevant documents, which are then concatenated with the origin input.

In the In-Context Learning setting, some examples are placed before the user’s input, and then they are fed to LLM. Similarly, the In-Context RALM works in a similar way: it directly concatenates the most relevant retrieved document in front of the model’s input. The advantage is that there’s no need to retrain the LLM. A diagram created with Mermaid is shown below.

Reading Notes: REALM: Retrieval-Augmented Language Model Pre-Training

Recently I was planning to learn the RAG technology so I started to read some related papers. I found a good Roadmap in the ACL 2023 Tutorial’s slide. Today’s topic is the most fundamental one: Retrieval-Augmented Language Model Pre-Training (REALM).


The REALM framework uses the Masked LM (BERT) rather than LLM. So I assume that you have a basic understanding of BERT such as how to do pre-train/fine-tuning.

Use Polymorphic Variant Type in Ocaml

I have been learning and using OCaml for a while. However, I’m still quite confused about the Polymorphic variant feature. Recently, while exploring the Yojson library, I came across this feature again. After some research, I couldn’t find any comprehensive articles about polymorphic variants (the official introduction is not easy to grasp this feature IMHO), only a few related answers12. So I decided to write an article, hoping it will be helpful to you :)

My workflows of using vim-fugitive in Neovim

Recently, while using Git with Neovim, I noticed that my workflow isn’t as smooth as I’d like it to be. I tend to exit Neovim, and then type git commands in the terminal. Before committing code changes, I usually check the diff information using delta. To cut down the number of keystrokes, I’ve also enabled the Oh My Zsh’s git plugin, so I can use a bunch of shortcuts like ga = git add and gcmsg = git commit -m