Lab09 solutions (UCB CS61A@2021 Fall)
Recursion and Tree Recursion
Q1: Subsequences
A subsequence of a sequence
is a subset of elements fromS
, in the same order they appear inS
. Consider the list[1, 2, 3]
. Here are a few of it’s subsequences[]
,[1, 3]
, and[1, 2, 3]
.Write a function that takes in a list and returns all possible subsequences of that list. The subsequences should be returned as a list of lists, where each nested list is a subsequence of the original input.
In order to accomplish this, you might first want to write a function
that takes an item and a list of lists, adds the item to the beginning of each nested list, and returns the resulting list.
This problem requires us to write a function which can return all possible subsequences of its input.
The hint says that we should implement the insert_into_all
function first. We can do this by a simple list comprehension.
def insert_into_all(item, nested_list):
"""Return a new list consisting of all the lists in nested_list,
but with item added to the front of each. You can assume that
nested_list is a list of lists.
return [[item] + l for l in nested_list]
The insert_into_all
function indicates the way to solve this problem. We need to ask ourseleves what we can do with this function. We can solve it recursively.
The input can be broken down into 2 parts: the first element and the rest part of the input. Let’s assume we have already calculated the subsequences of the rest part of the input(denoted as tmp
). Now the problem becomes - how to generate new subsequences that contain the first element? The answer is: just add the first element to each subsequence in tmp
. Then we do list concatenation and return. Finally, what is the base case? It is an empty list or a list with a size of 1.
def subseqs(s):
"""Return a nested list (a list of lists) of all subsequences of S.
The subsequences can appear in any order. You can assume S is a list.
if len(s) <= 1:
return [[], s] if s !=[] else [[]]
tmp = subseqs(s[1:])
return insert_into_all(s[0], tmp) + tmp
Q2: Non-Decreasing Subsequences
Just like the last question, we want to write a function that takes a list and returns a list of lists, where each individual list is a subsequence of the original input.
This time we have another condition: we only want the subsequences for which consecutive elements are nondecreasing. For example,
[1, 3, 2]
is a subsequence of[1, 3, 2, 4]
, but since 2 < 3, this subsequence would not be included in our result.Fill in the blanks to complete the implementation of the
function. You may assume that the input list contains no negative elements.You may use the provided helper function
, which takes in anitem
and a list of lists and inserts theitem
to the front of each list.
In Q1, we wrote the function that can return all the possible subsequences. Now Q2 puts forward higher requirements.
This hint says that we may use the insert_into_all
function, so let’s ponder on a critical question: what should we pay attention to when calling this function? By definition, we know that all subsequences of the rest part of the input should be non-decreasing. Now we figure out the answer - the first element should be less or equal to the first element of each subsequence. What if it is not true? We can simply remove it.
Now let’s check the subseq_helper
function, the meaning of the prev
argument becomes clearer. It represents the minimum allowed value of all subsequences.
def non_decrease_subseqs(s):
"""Assuming that S is a list, return a nested list of all subsequences
of S (a list of lists) for which the elements of the subsequence
are strictly nondecreasing. The subsequences can appear in any order.
def subseq_helper(s, prev):
if not s:
return [[]]
elif s[0] < prev:
return subseq_helper(s[1:], prev)
a = subseq_helper(s[1:], s[0]) # include s[0]
b = subseq_helper(s[1:], prev) # exclude s[0]
return insert_into_all(s[0], a) + b
return subseq_helper(s, 0)
Q3: Number of Trees
A full binary tree is a tree where each node has either 2 branches or 0 branches, but never 1 branch.
Write a function which returns the number of unique full binary tree structures that have exactly n leaves.
For those interested in combinatorics, this problem does have a closed form solution):
The answer is the Catalan number. So we need to write a function to calculate the ith Catalan number. As for why it is a catalan number, I can barely understand this. I found the simple explanation: the subtrees of a full binary tree must also be full binary trees. Assuming that we have 1
leaf node in the left subtree, then we have n - 1
leaf nodes in the right subtree. Then there are f(1) * f(n - 1)
possibilities. Similarly, we need to calculate f(2) * f(n - 2)
ps: The definition of a full binary tree here is not strict. Actually, it means all the degrees of nodes in the tree should be either 0 or 2.
def num_trees(n):
"""Returns the number of unique full binary trees with exactly n leaves. E.g.,
if n == 1 or n == 2:
return 1
# catalan number
ans = 0
for i in range(1, n):
ans += num_trees(i) * num_trees(n - i)
return ans
Q4: Merge
merge(incr_a, incr_b)
, which takes two iterablesincr_a
whose elements are ordered.merge
yields elements fromincr_a
in sorted order, eliminating repetition. You may assumeincr_a
themselves do not contain repeats, and that none of the elements of either areNone
. You may notassume that the iterables are finite; either may produce an infinite stream of results.You will probably find it helpful to use the two-argument version of the built-in
function:next(incr, v)
is the same asnext(incr)
, except that instead of raisingStopIteration
runs out of elements, it returnsv
.See the doctest for examples of behavior.
What the merge
do is merging two iterable objects. It can be assumed that the two iterable objects have no duplicate elements individually, and none of the elements is None
. Because we can’t assume that the two iterable objects are finite, we can’t solve this in a brute-force way(Merge them and sort and use set
to move duplicates).
The procedure is:
- If both of the two iterable objects are non-empty
- Compare the first element each to compare
- They are equivalent:
one, and move the two iterators backward. yield
the smaller element, move its iterator
- They are equivalent:
- Compare the first element each to compare
- Repeat until one of the two iterable objects is empty. Then we only need to iterate the non-empty one instead.
def merge(incr_a, incr_b):
"""Yield the elements of strictly increasing iterables incr_a and incr_b, removing
repeats. Assume that incr_a and incr_b have no repeats. incr_a or incr_b may or may not
be infinite sequences.
iter_a, iter_b = iter(incr_a), iter(incr_b)
next_a, next_b = next(iter_a, None), next(iter_b, None)
# both are non-empty
while next_a is not None and next_b is not None:
val_a, val_b = next_a, next_b
if val_a == val_b:
yield next_a
next_a, next_b = next(iter_a, None), next(iter_b, None)
elif val_a < val_b:
yield next_a
next_a = next(iter_a, None)
yield next_b
next_b = next(iter_b, None)
# incr_a is not empty
while next_a:
yield next_a
next_a = next(iter_a, None)
# incr_b is not empty
while next_b:
yield next_b
next_b = next(iter_b, None)
Q5: Bank Account
Implement the class
, which acts as a a Bank Account.Account
should allow the account holder to deposit money into the account, withdraw money from the account, and view their transaction history. The Bank Account should also prevents a user from withdrawing more than the current balance.Transaction history should be stored as a list of tuples, where each tuple contains the type of transaction and the transaction amount. For example a withdrawal of 500 should be stored as (‘withdraw’, 500)
Hint: You can call the
function on an integer to get a string representation of the integer. You might find this function useful when implementing the__repr__
methods.Hint: You can alternatively use fstrings to implement the
methods cleanly.
The Account
should be able to:
- deposit
- withdraw
- check the history of what we have done.
Looking into the __repr__
method, we know we need to know the number of times the deposits and the withdrawals. So we can define two variables to memorize them.
class Account:
"""A bank account that allows deposits and withdrawals.
It tracks the current account balance and a transaction
history of deposits and withdrawals.
interest = 0.02
def __init__(self, account_holder):
self.balance = 0
self.holder = account_holder
self.transactions = []
self.withdraw_cnt = 0
self.deposit_cnt = 0
def deposit(self, amount):
"""Increase the account balance by amount, add the deposit
to the transaction history, and return the new balance.
self.balance += amount
self.transactions.append(('deposit', amount))
self.deposit_cnt += 1
return self.balance
def withdraw(self, amount):
"""Decrease the account balance by amount, add the withdraw
to the transaction history, and return the new balance.
if self.balance > amount:
self.balance -= amount
self.transactions.append(('withdraw', amount))
self.withdraw_cnt += 1
return self.balance
# prevent illegal withdraw
return self.balance
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.holder}'s Balance: ${self.balance}"
def __repr__(self):
return f"Accountholder: {self.holder}, Deposits: {self.deposit_cnt}, Withdraws: {self.withdraw_cnt}"
Mutable Lists
Q6: Trade
In the integer market, each participant has a list of positive integers to trade. When two participants meet, they trade the smallest non-empty prefix of their list of integers. A prefix is a slice that starts at index 0.
Write a function
that exchanges the firstm
elements of listfirst
with the firstn
elements of listsecond
, such that the sums of those elements are equal, and the sum is as small as possible. If no such prefix exists, return the string'No deal!'
and do not change either list. Otherwise change both lists and return'Deal!'
. A partial implementation is provided.Hint: You can mutate a slice of a list using slice assignment. To do so, specify a slice of the list
on the left-hand side of an assignment statement and another list on the right-hand side of the assignment statement. The operation will replace the entire given slice of the list fromi
inclusive toj
exclusive with the elements from the given list. The slice and the given list need not be the same length.>>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> b = a >>> a[2:5] = [10, 11, 12, 13] >>> a [1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 6] >>> b [1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 6]
Additionally, recall that the starting and ending indices for a slice can be left out and Python will use a default value.
is the same aslst[i:len(lst)]
, andlst[:j]
is the same aslst[0:j]
It has provided us with some code that can exchange elements. All we have to do is to make m
and n
stop in right place. We need to make sure that the m
and n
are leal indices.
def trade(first, second):
"""Exchange the smallest prefixes of first and second that have equal sum.
m, n = 1, 1
equal_prefix = lambda: sum(first[:m]) == sum(second[:n])
while m <= len(first) and n <= len(second) and not equal_prefix():
if sum(first[:m]) < sum(second[:n]):
m += 1
n += 1
if equal_prefix():
first[:m], second[:n] = second[:n], first[:m]
return 'Deal!'
return 'No deal!'
Q7: Shuffle
Define a function
that takes a sequence with an even number of elements (cards) and creates a new list that interleaves the elements of the first half with the elements of the second half.To interleave two sequences
is to create a new sequence such that the new sequence contains (in this order) the first element ofs0
, the first element ofs1
, the second element ofs0
, the second element ofs1
, and so on. If the two lists are not the same length, then the leftover elements of the longer list should still appear at the end.Note: If you’re running into an issue where the special heart / diamond / spades / clubs symbols are erroring in the doctests, feel free to copy paste the below doctests into your file as these don’t use the special characters and should not give an “illegal multibyte sequence” error.
This problem requires us to implement the shuffle
function. For example, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] = [0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5]
The key: the relationship between the indices - [0, 1, ..., len(cards) // 2, len(cards) // 2 + 1, ...]
. You can find that the indices of the elements in the corresponding positions of the first half and the second half differ by len(cards) // 2
def shuffle(cards):
"""Return a shuffled list that interleaves the two halves of cards.
assert len(cards) % 2 == 0, 'len(cards) must be even'
half = len(cards) // 2
shuffled = []
for i in range(half):
shuffled.append(cards[i + half])
return shuffled
Linked Lists
Q8: Insert
Implement a function
that takes aLink
, avalue
, and anindex
, and inserts thevalue
into theLink
at the givenindex
. You can assume the linked list already has at least one element. Do not return anything –insert
should mutate the linked list.Note: If the index is out of bounds, you should raise an
with:raise IndexError('Out of bounds!')
It is strange that if we insert a new node(the index = 0), we won’t pass the link is other_link
test(because we have changed the head of the link). So I change my way to insert: I make a copy of the current node and then change the value of the origin node.
def insert(link, value, index):
"""Insert a value into a Link at the given index.
pos = link
current_index = 0
while pos is not Link.empty:
if current_index == index:
# make a copy of current node, and modify the current node's value \
# which is equal to insert a new node :)
current_copy = Link(pos.first,
origin_next =
pos.first = value = current_copy
#print(f"link: {link.first}")
pos =
current_index += 1
raise IndexError('Out of bounds!')
Q9: Deep Linked List Length
A linked list that contains one or more linked lists as elements is called a deep linked list. Write a function
that takes in a (possibly deep) linked list and returns the deep length of that linked list. The deep length of a linked list is the total number of non-link elements in the list, as well as the total number of elements contained in all contained lists. See the function’s doctests for examples of the deep length of linked lists.Hint: Use
to check if something is an instance of an object.
Deep Linked List Length is a nested list. We need to calculate how many nodes are in it. To solve the problem of the nested linklist, we can solve it recursively.
The base case is an empty linklist or it is not a linklist. Otherwise, we will check the lnk.first
(it may be a linklist) and the
def deep_len(lnk):
""" Returns the deep length of a possibly deep linked list.
# base case 1. an empty node
if lnk is Link.empty:
return 0
# base case 2. an integer
elif isinstance(lnk, int):
return 1
return deep_len(lnk.first) + deep_len(
Q10: Linked Lists as Strings
Kevin and Jerry like different ways of displaying the linked list structure in Python. While Kevin likes box and pointer diagrams, Jerry prefers a more futuristic way. Write a function
that returns a function that converts the linked list to a string in their preferred style.Hint: You can convert numbers to strings using the
function, and you can combine strings together using+
.>>> str(4) '4' >>> 'cs ' + str(61) + 'a' 'cs 61a'
The format: front + the value of the current node + mid + the string of + back
def make_to_string(front, mid, back, empty_repr):
""" Returns a function that turns linked lists to strings.
def printer(lnk):
if lnk is Link.empty:
return empty_repr
return front + str(lnk.first) + mid + printer( + back
return printer
Q11: Long Paths
, which returns a list of all paths in a tree with length at leastn
. A path in a tree is a list of node labels that starts with the root and ends at a leaf. Each subsequent element must be from a label of a branch of the previous value’s node. The length of a path is the number of edges in the path (i.e. one less than the number of nodes in the path). Paths are ordered in the output list from left to right in the tree. See the doctests for some examples.
We need to return a nested list, each one of them represents a path with a length at least n
. Notice that the path must end in a leaf node.
Actually, it is a classical problem that can be solved by recursion and backtrace. The skeleton is like:
def function_name(p):
# base case
dothing thing
... # recursively solve this problem
undo what you have done
We need to add the label of the current node in our current_path
list when we are about to go deepr in the tree and undo what our modifications when we are about move up in the tree.
def long_paths(t, n):
"""Return a list of all paths in t with length at least n.
path_list = []
def helper(t, current_path, length):
nonlocal path_list
if t.is_leaf():
if length >= n:
# warning: we need to pass a copy instead fo a ref
for b in t.branches:
helper(b, current_path, length + 1)
helper(t, [], 0)
return path_list