
SICP Exercise 2.27


Modify your reverse procedure of exercise 2.18 to produce a deep-reverse procedure that takes a list as an argument and returns as its value the list with its elements reversed and with all sublists deep-reversed as well.


(define x (list (list 1 2) (list 3 4)))
;; x - ((1 2) (3 4))
(deep-reverse x)
;; the output should be ((4 3) (2 1))

In the previous Exercise 2.18, we ignore the fact that the elements of a list may still be lists too. And this exercise requires us to reverse the entire list recursively.

To design a recursive algorithm for a specific problem, we only need to figure out two things:

  • What is the base case? As the problem description says, the argument of deep-reverse is a list. Usually, the base case of a list structure is an empty list - '()
  • How to recursively related the subproblems?
    • Fact 1: (cdr l) always returns a list, and (car l) always return the 1st element of a list(the 1st element may be a list too)
    • Fact 2: The invariant of deep-reverse - its argument is a list
    • Based on the two points, we know the criteria for dividing the problems - check whether the 1st element of the list is an atomic item

The code should look like


;; invariants: the argument of deep-reverse are always a list
(define (deep-reverse l)
  (cond ((null? l) '())     ;; base case
        (else (let ([remains (deep-reverse (cdr l))])
                (if (pair? (car l))
                    ;; the arguments of append procedure should be lists too
                    (append remains (list (deep-reverse (car l))))
                    (append remains (list (car l))))))))

There are some test cases I wrote


(deep-reverse '(2 3))
(deep-reverse '((2 3)))
(deep-reverse '((2 3) 1))
(deep-reverse '(5 (2 3) 1))
(deep-reverse '((4 2) (2 3) 1))
(deep-reverse '(5 (2 3) (5 2)))

🚧 The complete SICP exercise solution is still a work in progress. Please refers to here