Type hints: what and why

I was immediately drawn to Python when I first encountered it due to its dynamic language features. Python use the “duck typing” design, which means that the type of an object is not as important as its behavior. This feature allows for faster development and a reduction in burdensome type declarations. Additionally, the support of powerful third-party libraries solidifies Python as my preferred programming language.😺

However, with the proposal of PEP 4841, Python decided to introduce type hints, which seem to be in line with statically typed languages. It’s not true though, Python’s type hints are optional, and it has no runtime effect.

It seems that writing this blog post specifically to introduce Python’s type hints is unnecessary, but I have found that using them in my code still provides several benefits:

  • Static type checker can check your code. For example, Mypy
  • The code completion in IDE will become more intelligent. It will also report a bug if we use the wrong APIs. This is probably the biggest motivation for me to choose to write type hints
  • Manage code complexity. Type hints expose useful information about APIs. As a developer, we can get a general idea by just looking at the signature of such an annotated function, without having to check the docstrings frequently.


! python --version
Python 3.11.0

Shipped with Python 3.0, the syntax of type hints has been established2:

  • Arguments: name[: type] [ = default_val ], the [] means optional
  • Return type: the syntax is -> return_type
  • We can access the __annotations__ attribute to get type hints informatios. It returns a dict with {ParamName: ParamType}. ==It’s a bad practice to access this attribute directly. We can use the functions inside the inspect module(Python 3.10+) or the typing module(Python 3.5 ~ 3.9)==. See the following example:


def maximum(a: float, b: float) -> float:
    """ A simple function to return the maximum elements of two floats"""
    return max(a, b)

# >= Python 3.10, do this
import inspect
assert inspect.get_annotations(maximum) == maximum.__annotations__

# Python 3.5 ~ 3.9
import typing
assert typing.get_type_hints(maximum) == maximum.__annotations__

{'a': float, 'b': float, 'return': float}

📒 It’s important to reiterate that type hints in Python have no impact on the runtime of the program. This means that even if we violate the type hints, the program will still execute as normal. However, a static type checker like Mypy will throw warnings.


# returns the maximum of two strings
# , but we declared the arguments should be float!
maximum('hello', 'world')     

Prior to Python 3.6, the only way to annotate the type of a variable was to include this information in comments, such as # type ...1. This is referred to as “type comments.” With the introduction of PEP 526, a new syntax for variable annotations was established, which is similar to the syntax used for annotating function arguments3


a: int        # undefined typed value
a: int = 0    # typed value with default value

Similarly, we can access the module level __annotations__ attributes to get type hints information.


{'a': int}

The simple built-in types refer to int, str etc. They can also be types defined in third-party packages. As an example, the arguments of the previously mentioned maximum function use float.

The Any type denotes that it can be any type. But it’s different from the object type1

We can think of an unannotated function that is annotated with the Any type.


def foo(x):

# it assumes:
def foo(x: Any) -> Any:

We refer to each element inside a collection as an item. To add type hints for both the collection type and the item type, Python uses the [] notation. For example, to express a list of strings, we would write list[str]. This notation makes it clear that the list contains elements of the str type.

Notes: After PEP 585(Python 3.9+)4, we can use the built-in list, dict etc instead of the counterparts in the typing module4.

< Python 3.9 >= Python 3.9
typing.Tuple tuple
typing.Dict dict
typing.List list
typing.Set set
typing.Frozenset frozenset
typing.Type type
typing.AbstractSet collections.abc.Set
typing.ContextManager contextlib.AbstractContextManager
typing.AsyncContextManager contextlib.AbstractAsyncContextManager
typing.Pattern, typing.re.Pattern re.Pattern
typing.Match, typing.re.Match re.Match

📒 Some features of the typing module will be removed in the future, so I will use the latest syntax below✏️


string_list: list[str] = ['hello', 'world']
# tuple[type1, type2, ..., typen] with fixed size
date: tuple[int, int, int] = (2023, 1, 11)
string_count: dict[str, int] = {
    'hello': 1,
    'world': 2,


{'a': int,
 'string_list': list[str],
 'date': tuple[int, int, int],
 'string_count': dict[str, int]}

The join_str_list function accepts a list of strings and uses the whitespace to join them.


def join_str_list(string_list: list[str]) -> str:
    """ join all string in a list"""
    return ' '.join(string_list)

hello world
{'string_list': list[str], 'return': <class 'str'>}

📒 In Python 3.9+, we can use tuple[type1, ...] to represent a tuple of any length whose types are all type1


def sum_variable_integers(data: tuple[int, ...]):
    """ Sum all integers of a tuple"""
    sum_val = 0
    for integer in data:
        sum_val += integer
    return sum_val

print(sum_variable_integers((1, 2, 3)))

As we know, we can put any type of variable in the list. How do we add type hints for such a list? The solution is Any type:



We can just use list, which is less verbose.

📒 If you want to know more collections types, please refer to collections.abc

Sometimes, the type will be so complicated that we don’t want to write it everywhere. So what do we do? Well, we can give it an alias with a meaningful name. The syntax is simple:


AliasName = Type

Take the previously defined date type as an example. A date is a tuple containing three int types. The type list[tuple[int, int, int] would denote a list of dates. To make the code more readable, it can be beneficial to give this type an alias, such as Date. See the following example:


Date = tuple[int, int, int]
DateList = list[Date]

def print_date_list(l: DateList):
    """ Print all dates in the format `year-month-day` in the date list"""
    for year, month, day in l:
print_date_list([(2022, 1, 1), (2023, 1, 3)])
{'l': list[tuple[int, int, int]]}

The syntax of type alias is quite similar to defining a global variable. To make it more explicit, PEP 613(Python 3.10+) proposes a better way5:


AliasName: TypeAlias = Type


from typing import TypeAlias

Date: TypeAlias = tuple[int, int, int]

In other programming languages, usually, they use an uppercase letter like T to denote a parameterized generic type. In python, we use TypeVar to do same thing. As the docs say:


T = TypeVar('T')            # Can be anything
S = TypeVar('S', bound=str) # Can be any subtype of str
A = TypeVar('A', str, bytes)# Must be exactly str or bytes

To summarize, TypeVar provides two ways for us to restrict the generic types:

  1. use bound=some_type, then we can only pass the subtype of some_type.
  2. specify the allowed types directly

📒 The definition of subtype is in PEP 4836. In general: each type is its own subtype; In Object-oriented programming, the subclass is the subtype of its superclass


from typing import TypeVar

GenericString = TypeVar('GenericString', str, bytes)

def process(s: GenericString):
    """ The GenericString can be either str or bytes"""

📒 The typing module already provides us a AnyStr type to represent either str or bytes

Optional[type1] represents a type that can be either type1 or None.

The Union[type1, type2, ...] means that the allowed type is one of the types we specified, which is the logical or relationship. So we can know that the Optional[type1] is equal to Union[type1, None].


from typing import Optional, Union

def parse(s: Union[str, int]) -> Optional[int]:
    """ Parse `s` and get an integer value. The `s` may be a string.
    Return None if fail
    if isinstance(s, str):
        if not s.isdigit():
            return None
            return int(s)
    elif isinstance(s, int):
        return s

assert parse('foo') is None
assert parse('123') == 123
assert parse(123) == 123
{'s': typing.Union[str, int], 'return': typing.Optional[int]}

In Python 3.10+, it introduces | to replace the Union. Some other programming languages also use |. For example, Rust use | to seperate multiple possible patterns. The parse function we defined earlier can be written in the following form:


def parse(s: str | int) -> int | None:
    """ Parse `s` and get an integer value. The `s` may be a string.
    Return None if fail
    if isinstance(s, str):
        if not s.isdigit():
            return None
            return int(s)
    elif isinstance(s, int):
        return s

{'s': str | int, 'return': int | None}

We use the function as an example of callable. In Python, a function is a first-class object, which means that it can be a parameter or a return value of another function. The type hints to support this:


Callable[[ParamType1, ParamType2], ReturnType]

Let’s define a apply function which can apply a function on the data


# from typing import Callable   # Python < 3.9
from collections.abc import Callable

def apply(f: Callable[[str | int], int | None], data: list):
    """ Apply callable object on data. The `Callable[[str | int], int | None]` 
    is the type hints of `parse` we aforementioned
    for d in data:

apply(parse, ['hello', 123])

In Python 3.117, the Self type is proposed, which represents an instance of the current class. We can use Self within the class definition everywhere :) No need to use TypeVar anymore


from typing import Self

class Shape:
    def set_scale(self, scale: float) -> Self:
        self.scale = scale
        return self

💡 Rust also uses Self to denote the current object, which usually appears in an impl block.

Well, that’s the entire content of this blog. I have covered some of the most common and practical uses of type hints that I have found useful. However, it is not an exhaustive guide, and there are more advanced features such as static protocols8 that readers can explore.

Personally, I follow the strategy of using type hints only when the added benefits outweigh the potential added complexity. In situations where the type hints become too complex, I choose not to use them unless it is deemed necessary.

I will also give you some advice based on my experiences🎯:

  1. When you decide what to add, try to think what this type it can do8. The static protocols8 are well suited to this requirement. This makes me think of the traits in Rust :)
  2. Always make the return type as precise as possible. Just try to imagine that a function returns Union[str, int]. We have to check it manually, which makes me fell like the type hints are a little unnecessary.
  3. Even if you pass the type checker, you are not free of bugs. Software testing is the standard practice to make your programs work as expected.
  4. Add the cheatsheet to your bookmark 👍