Lab11 solutions (UCB CS61A@2021 Fall)

Important: Your code for this part should go in

Your job in this part is to implement the current and pop_first methods of the Buffer class.

current should return the current token of the current line we’re on in the Buffer instance without removing it. If there are no more tokens in the current line, then current should move onto the next valid line, and return the first token of this line. If there are no more tokens left to return from the entire source (we’ve reached the end of all input lines), then current should return None (this logic is already provided for you in the except StopIteration block).

Hw08 solutions (UCB CS61A@2021 Fall)

Write a procedure my-filter, which takes a predicate func and a list lst, and returns a new list containing only elements of the list that satisfy the predicate. The output should contain the elements in the same order that they appeared in the original list.

Note: Make sure that you are not just calling the built-in filter function in Scheme - we are asking you to re-implement this!

Hw07 of CS61A of UCB(2021-Fall)

Define the procedures cadr and caddr, which return the second and third elements of a list, respectively. If you would like a quick refresher on scheme syntax consider looking at Lab 10 Scheme Refresher.

We need to implement the function c???r. To have a better understanding of this notation, you should look from back to the front in ???. For example, the cadr function will call cdr then call car on the input.

Hw06 solutions (UCB CS61A@2021 Fall)

In this question you’ll create a vending machine that only outputs a single product and provides change when needed.

Create a class called VendingMachine that represents a vending machine for some product. A Vending Machineobject returns strings describing its interactions. Remember to match exactly the strings in the doctests – including punctuation and spacing!

Fill in the VendingMachine class, adding attributes and methods as appropriate, such that its behavior matches the following doctests:

Lab10 solutions (UCB CS61A@2021 Fall)

Define a procedure over-or-under which takes in a number num1 and a number num2 and returns the following:

  • -1 if num1 is less than num2
  • 0 if num1 is equal to num2
  • 1 if num1 is greater than num2

Challenge: Implement this in 2 different ways using if and cond!

Lab09 solutions (UCB CS61A@2021 Fall)

A subsequence of a sequence S is a subset of elements from S, in the same order they appear in S. Consider the list [1, 2, 3]. Here are a few of it’s subsequences [], [1, 3], [2], and [1, 2, 3].

Write a function that takes in a list and returns all possible subsequences of that list. The subsequences should be returned as a list of lists, where each nested list is a subsequence of the original input.

Lab08 solutions (UCB CS61A@2021 Fall)

Write a function convert_link that takes in a linked list and returns the sequence as a Python list. You may assume that the input list is shallow; that is none of the elements is another linked list.

Try to find both an iterative and recursive solution for this problem!

It is easy to solve this problem iteratively. All we have to do is to make a list to store these nodes we have visited while we iterating this linklist.

Lab07 solutions (UCB CS61A@2021 Fall)

Add a time_to_retire method to the Account class. This method takes in an amount and returns how many years the holder would need to wait in order for the current balance to grow to at least amount, assuming that the bank adds balance times the interest rate to the total balance at the end of every year.

The description tells us that: We will add our balance every year, so when may we retire? Both the math and code are simple.

Hw05 solutions (UCB CS61A@2021 Fall)

Given a sequence of unique elements, a permutation of the sequence is a list containing the elements of the sequence in some arbitrary order. For example, [2, 1, 3], [1, 3, 2], and [3, 2, 1] are some of the permutations of the sequence [1, 2, 3].

Implement gen_perms, a generator function that takes in a sequence seq and returns a generator that yields all permutations of seq. For this question, assume that seq will not be empty.

Lab06 solutions (UCB CS61A@2021 Fall)

Write a function which takes in a list lst, an argument entry, and another argument elem. This function will check through each item in lst to see if it is equal to entry. Upon finding an item equal to entry, the function should modify the list by placing elem into lst right after the item. At the end of the function, the modified list should be returned.

Hw04 solutions (UCB CS61A@2021 Fall)

Implement the planet data abstraction by completing the planet constructor and the size selector so that a planet is represented using a two-element list where the first element is the string 'planet' and the second element is its size.

From the description, we can know what is planet. It is a ['planet', size]. Then we can take a look at the mobile function, the solution is quite similar.

Lab05 solutions (UCB CS61A@2021 Fall)

Write factors_list, which takes a number n and returns a list of its factors in ascending order.

We can know such a basic mathematical fact: the factor of a number can only be up to half of it (when the number is even). So we use for i in range(1, n // 2 + 1)