Lab07 - CS61A of UCB(2021-Fall)

Add a time_to_retire method to the Account class. This method takes in an amount and returns how many years the holder would need to wait in order for the current balance to grow to at least amount, assuming that the bank adds balance times the interest rate to the total balance at the end of every year.

The description tells us that: We will add our balance every year, so when may we retire? Both the math and code are simple.

Hw05 of CS61A of UCB(2021-Fall)

Given a sequence of unique elements, a permutation of the sequence is a list containing the elements of the sequence in some arbitrary order. For example, [2, 1, 3], [1, 3, 2], and [3, 2, 1] are some of the permutations of the sequence [1, 2, 3].

Implement gen_perms, a generator function that takes in a sequence seq and returns a generator that yields all permutations of seq. For this question, assume that seq will not be empty.

Lab06 CS61A of UCB(2021-Fall)

Write a function which takes in a list lst, an argument entry, and another argument elem. This function will check through each item in lst to see if it is equal to entry. Upon finding an item equal to entry, the function should modify the list by placing elem into lst right after the item. At the end of the function, the modified list should be returned.

Hw04 - CS61A of UCB(2021-Fall)

Implement the planet data abstraction by completing the planet constructor and the size selector so that a planet is represented using a two-element list where the first element is the string 'planet' and the second element is its size.

From the description, we can know what is planet. It is a ['planet', size]. Then we can take a look at the mobile function, the solution is quite similar.

Lab05 CS61A of UCB(2021-Fall)

Write factors_list, which takes a number n and returns a list of its factors in ascending order.

We can know such a basic mathematical fact: the factor of a number can only be up to half of it (when the number is even). So we use for i in range(1, n // 2 + 1)

Lab04 CS61A of UCB(2021-Fall)

I find it really interesting to solve recursive problems. I like this way of solving problems, the code is concise and intuitive, which is why I wrote this blog.

📒 How to solve a recursive problem ?

  1. What is the base case ?
  2. How to break down the current problem into simpler ones ?

Later, I will follow this idea to solve the recursion problem in this lab.

Hw03 of CS61A of UCB(2021-Fall)

Write a recursive function num_eights that takes a positive integer pos and returns the number of times the digit 8 appears in pos.

Important: Use recursion; the tests will fail if you use any assignment statements. (You can however use function definitions if you so wish.)

It is easy to think of the answer to this question, for we have seen a similar one in lecture. We can split the pos into all_bust_last and last. When we arrive at the base case, we just need to check if it is equals to 8. Because we can not use = in this problem, we need to use function instead.

How to Manage Windows Using Hammerspoon

I found that the windows management built in macOS is difficult to use. As a result, I always using my mouse to move and resize my window, which is less efficient. We should keep our hands on the keyboard as much as possible. After finishing the MIT-Missing-Semester, I came across the hammerspoon tool. I really like this one :)

According to the official site’s introduction, hammerspoon is a tool for powerful automation of OS X, which is just a bridge between the operating system and a Lua scripting engine. The windows management is kind of automation.

Hw02 of CS61A of UCB(2021-Fall)

The summation(n, term) function from the higher-order functions lecture adds up term(1) + ... + term(n). Write a similar function called product that returns term(1) * ... * term(n).

This problem is quite easy, we just need to use * instead of +. The logic is similar to summation(n, term) function in the lecture.

Hw01 of CS61A of UCB(2021-Fall)

Skip :)

Fill in the blanks in the following function for adding a to the absolute value of b, without calling abs. You may not modify any of the provided code other than the two blanks.

This problem is easy if we know that we can bind names to functions. In this problem:

The solutions for exercise09 of Missingsemester(2020)

Suppose a password is chosen as a concatenation of four lower-case dictionary words, where each word is selected uniformly at random from a dictionary of size 100,000. An example of such a password is correcthorsebatterystaple. How many bits of entropy does this have?

In order to calculate the bits of entropy, we need to know how many possibilites there.

The solutions for exercise08 of Missingsemester(2020)

Most makefiles provide a target called clean. This isn’t intended to produce a file called clean, but instead to clean up any files that can be re-built by make. Think of it as a way to “undo” all of the build steps. Implement a clean target for the paper.pdf Makefile above. You will have to make the target phony. You may find the git ls-filessubcommand useful. A number of other very common make targets are listed here.